The new 3-1-1 number is a "One Call to City Hall" program for non-emergency city services.
City of Los Angeles' 3-1-1 Call Center is currently open from 8:00 am to 4:45 pm.
Effective December 1, 2007, the Department of Building and Safety Customer Call Center's toll free number 888-LA4-BUILD and the outside L.A. County number (213) 482-0000, will ONLY be used for automated requests for inspections. You may still request your inspection through our website.
Deputy Inspection Notification may be made by calling the 3-1-1 number by 3:30 pm one working day before the day of the inspection. Deputy Inspection Notification is not currently available on the Automated Inspection Request System.
All other department information will be processed by 3-1-1 Communication Information Representatives from the City of Los Angeles' 3-1-1 Call Center, a "One Call to City Hall" program for non-emergency city services.
The 3-1-1 Call Center was designed to serve as a single point-of-entry into the City for our telephonic customers and to:
- Provide immediate responses to all calls requiring non-technical assistance
- Process property complaints
- Take all Request for Inspections (single request only)
- Provide inspection date and time
- Refer zoning/code questions to Engineer and Inspector
- Answer general questions (i.e. office hours and locations)
Customers calling within the City of Los Angeles will be able to call 3-1-1 Call Center for information or assistance at no cost.
Callers within Ventura, Orange, San Bernardino and Riverside Counties and others outside of Los Angeles can call (213) 473-3231.